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An interesting theory!

Posted by Pat on March 3, 2024 in Uncategorized |

There’s a concept in law enforcement known as the Broken Windows Theory, which says that we take cues from our environment. In addition, the theory also suggests that if we address these minor infractions, people start to behave better.

It’s a controversial theory of policing, but I believe it’s the truth when it comes to our personal lives. There are small indicators of disorder that make us feel as if things are out of control. It might just be that stack of unopened mail, but it contributes to our feeling guilty and overwhelmed and ineffective and..?

Maybe your broken window is that junk drawer that bugs you every time you open it to try and find something. Maybe it’s that pile of clothes in the corner of the room that need laundering.

I’m currently immersed in the process of moving from one living space to another. My broken window has been the overwhelm of decisions on what to keep, what to donate, what to throw away. And each decision made has been freeing.

Have you ever found that putting a small concentrated effort in one small area has freed up your energy and desire to accomplish even more? I did.

I think that’s the really useful aspect of applying the broken window theory to our daily life. Having a broken window undermines our goals because it gives us a sense of chaos.

The act of fixing broken windows, however, is liberating. The task takes on a symbolic weight. It doesn’t just feel like we’re cleaning out a junk drawer, it feels like we’re taking the first step toward doing everything we’ve been meaning to do.

I think of it like planting a seed. All we have to do is nurture that seed, water it, give it time, and we know that it will eventually grow into a small plant…a plant of energy, of self-esteem, of accomplishment!

I like what Lao Tzu says in his classic book of wisdom, Tao Te Ching:

“Big problems arise from small problems; the wise man takes care of all his small problems, thus he has no problems.”

So, any broken windows in your life? How do you handle them?

Is it really too much?

Posted by Pat on February 25, 2024 in Uncategorized |

In our culture, our instinct is to fill it up. We’re used to having a coffee cup that nearly reaches the rim or a level of debt that’s just below our debt limit. If we don’t want to risk spilling the hot coffee or be caught with not enough credit to handle an unexpected crisis, […]

Why today can be awesome!

Posted by Pat on February 18, 2024 in Uncategorized |

Thank goodness we can do this ‘awesome thing’ a bit day by day. It seems more possible than trying for a longer stretch of time! Yep, today we can be even more awesome that ever. And that will make our day (and other folks’ day) more awesome too! So why do we know that today […]


Are you sometimes irritated?

Posted by Pat on February 11, 2024 in Uncategorized |

Admit it! At times, we all can be a bit like The Princess and the Pea. Life offers much that is good, but sometimes all we do is get irritated by the few small things that don’t go smoothly. We find ourselves bothered…like when we get stuck in traffic or deal with an irritating customer […]



Posted by Pat on February 4, 2024 in Uncategorized |

My latest technical problem just seemed to reinforce my self-doubts and negative self-talk about me and technology. Putting my “deep technological know-how” to work, I mumble, stumble and fumble with the various buttons, keys, and cords. Closing all the applications and rebooting still didn’t work. Turning the computer and the printer on and off several […]


When do we finally learn?

Posted by Pat on January 28, 2024 in Uncategorized |

Remember the fun little poem by Portia Nelson titled Autobiography in Five Short Chapters? It’s a delight and even has a message for us! Chapter 1 I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost. I am helpless. It’s isn’t my fault. It takes forever […]


Some fun “truths” to ponder!

Posted by Pat on January 21, 2024 in Uncategorized |

Truths that little kids have learned: If your sister hits you, don’t hit her back. They always catch the second person. No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats. You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. The best place to be when you’re feeling sad is Grandma’s lap. […]


How much does a snowflake weigh?

Posted by Pat on January 14, 2024 in Uncategorized |

Enjoy this winter parable! “Tell me the weight of a snowflake,” a sparrow asked a wild dove. “Nothing more than nothing,” was the answer. “In that case I must tell a marvelous story,” the sparrow said. “I sat on a branch of a fir tree, close to its trunk, when it began to snow, not […]


That list thing…

Posted by Pat on January 7, 2024 in Uncategorized |

Rather than stressing over our 2024 “To-Do” lists, let’s use this time of the year to create our “Ta-Da” list! (It’s much more fun) When it seems like we are too busy, on overload, scattered and ineffective, we can take this opportunity to change our feelings by changing our perspective. We can look back at […]


Let’s lighten up in 2024!

Posted by Pat on December 31, 2023 in Uncategorized |

Let’s enjoy the combination of common sense and the sense of humor from the pictures below! We know that a good laugh, a wry smile, a knowing eye-rolling, an exasperating head shake are all signs of a light heart. (something we can all use as we start 2024!) I have found the following thoughts both […]

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