Posts by Pat:
Remember this Zen story?
Words matter, even when they are few!
A man joined a monastery in which the monks were allowed to speak only two words every seven years. After the first seven years had passed, the new initiate met with the abbot who asked him, “Well, what are your two words?”
“Food’s bad,” replied the man, who then went back to his silence.

Seven years later the abbot asked, What are your two words now?”
“Bed’s hard,” the man responded.
Seven years later (twenty-one years after his initial entry into the monastery) the man met with the abbot for the third and final time. “And what are your two words this time?” the abbot asked.
“I quit.”
“Well, I’m not surprised,” the abbot answered disgustedly. “All you’ve done since you got here is complain!”
So…what is the “lesson” here for us?

For me, it isn’t how much we say, it’s what we say. Our talk reflects our thoughts!
Words are powerful! They create our world.
P.S. Just for fun…
A man turned to his wife while they were sitting in the living room and said “Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state dependent on some machine. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.” She immediately got up, walked over and unplugged the TV.
So what do you say?
Remember this old saying?
There’s a fable behind the phrase “this too shall pass” which has origins in Sufi and Hebrew folklore that feels like deep wisdom to me. I hope this story anchors it for you too. One day King Solomon asked Benaiah Ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister, “Benaiah, there is a certain ring that I want […]
What’s YOUR perspective?
Once there was a person who wanted to relocate to a new village. Wondering if he’d like his new town, he went to consult the Zen master, “Do you think I will like this new village? Are the people nice?” The Zen master asked: “How were the people in the town where you come from?” […]
Pessimistic squirrels?!
Nooo! I don’t want to believe it! I’ve prided myself on being an optimist! And I just know that it is good for me to think optimistically!! But… research published by the American Psychological Association showed that pessimists, because of their penchant for seeing life through a grim lens, take steps to improve their health […]
Are we asking the wrong questions?
Asking “why” is often the wrong question. Of course we know our brain loves to solve problems and can figure out how to make a pumpkin pie, sail across oceans, or build a house. It is a wonderful tool for problem solving and creativity. But… when we are trying to understand ourselves, to find a […]
Stuff happens.
I am not the only one. You are not the only one. We are not the only ones to experience stress, difficulty, frustration and painful experiences. What happens to me or you happens to ALL of us. There is no conspiracy against us. We are not the laboratory rats of the universe. My age may […]
Our struggles can serve us…
An interesting thought from spiritual author and teacher Marrianne Williamson: “In order to create their beautiful plumage, peacocks sometimes eat thorns. Hard, pointed, razor-like objects are processed in their abdomens and then contribute to feathers with colors and shapes unmatched throughout nature for their extraordinary beauty.” She continued saying…”So it is with us. Often that […]
What is enough?
What is enough? Saying that “I am enough” or that “I have enough” or even that “I’ve done enough” often sounds like I’m settling for less than I could be, have, or do. (And probably isn’t even the truth!) We could consider the option of replacing the word “enough” with the word “plenty.” Notice the […]
We also get some right!
Here’s one of my favorite stories from 6 years ago: Little Emma is 6 years old and in first grade and it’s the end of the first week. When Mom picked her up from school, Emma bounced happily into the car. “How was school today, honey?” Immediately and very happily, Emma answered: “I had my […]
Why are we comparing?
I bet you know someone(s) who is(are) brighter than you, is(are) cuter than you, or is(are) more creative than you. Then there are the folks who are on the other end of the scale who have less money, have more health issues, or have more dysfunctional family members. So what? What is the comparison for? […]