Posts by Pat:
This new season…
September is such an invigorating idea! It’s back to school and time for some new projects. It’s unofficially the beginning of fall. And though fall is really only 3 months long, that’s plenty of time to look at the “clean slate” that it provides us.
I invite you to join me and stop “doing” for a moment and reflect on what it is that we really want…
- to be,
- to do,
- and to have for this fall season.
Reflecting on the bounty of harvests, fully blossoming bushes of flowers, rich and lush forests that I saw as we drove the 6 hours today to the beach in Lincoln City, my appreciation for the life we’ve been given and the gifts we have received was renewed. Life has been good. Life IS good. And sometimes we just need a nudge to see it all with fresh eyes.
So what are you grateful for? Family and friendships? Health and wellness? Learning and opportunities? Having a home and enough food? The beauty of nature? Books and music? Time and energy?
Once we are aware of the gifts we’ve been blessed with, we can turn our attention to how best to share them. Is there someone we can call? that we can take the time to really listen to? Is there something we can contribute from our talent, time or treasure to a worthy cause?
Just as we got new blank notebooks and fun pens and sharp pencils to start our new school year off with fresh energy, we can choose some new goals or intentions to start this next season of our life with new creativity and growth and service.
What will you consider choosing to do with your clean slate this fall?
How did YOU spend your summer vacation?
Do you remember having to write about how you spent your summer vacation back in grade school? I do! Over the years my vacations had gotten shorter…from those couple of months to a week to three-day-weekends. Now from the view of retirement, I can take as much time as I want. I find that the […]
Can procrastination be good?
That last-minute panic as a motivator? Maybe…maybe not! Most of us decry it, deny it, or defy it, but still continue to see procrastination as the bane of our lives. But did you know..? Researchers now suggest that wasting a bit of time here and there can actually be good for us! When it’s used […]
Do these make any sense?
Ever wondered why some of these sayings don’t seem to really make sense? And how about…confirmed rumor, or unbiased opinion, or military intelligence? Each of these is called an oxymoron, which a dictionary defines as “a combination of contradictory or incongruous words.” Still another dictionary defines an oxymoron as a “wittily paradoxical turn of phrase […]
Are we there yet?
Vacations are a national tradition (as is this perennial childhood complaint!) I’m sharing some actual complaints received by “Thomas Cook Vacations” from dissatisfied customers. They have made quite the rounds on the internet. I think you’ll enjoy them as much as I have! “We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there […]
Not perfect?
My sister is a lot better at knitting than I am. It is painfully obvious when she tackles a complex pattern, makes changes in it, and then finishes it before I’ve figured how to get my project going. She’s a regular whiz at it! And by comparison I’m slow and my projects are much less […]
Half way through?
We’re half way through 2024! Really. We often act as if we had all the time in the world. Yet we really do know that our time here on earth is finite. And time often seems to fly by. What if we realize that we may have already lived 50%, 75% of our life span. […]
Now what?
We can pretty much count on getting sidelined from time to time. And it’s important to not allow a setback become part of the larger story we so often creative around our “life of difficulties.” So What? Now what? The “So what” puts our current life blip into perspective. And the Now what” can get […]
Sharing some life lessons…
Did you ever see the email that went viral on the internet called “Life Lessons from a 90 Year old Woman?” Now this is a gal I can relate to! And, no, she was not 90 years old. Regina Brett wrote her list the night before her 45th birthday after being diagnosed with breast cancer. […]
Should you be worried?
There are two days in every week that we should not worry (and Saturday is not necesarily one of them!)-days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One of these days is YESTERDAY with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. YESTERDAY has passed forever beyond our control. […]