Your “Ta-Da” list!

Posted by Pat on December 31, 2017 in Uncategorized |

Before stressing over your 2018 “To-Do” list, use this time of the year to create your “Ta-Da” list! It’s much more fun…

If it seems like you are always too busy, on overload, scattered and ineffective, then take this opportunity to change your feelings by changing your perspective.

Look back at your week. When you are braver you can look at this last month, and (gasp!) even the whole year and make a  list of what you really did.

Maybe it was just baby steps towards your massive goal, but instead of feeling like you were just treading water you can feel like you were making progress. You were kicking the ball further down the road.

Maybe you didn’t get all the closets cleared out, but you

  • got one of them started,
  • found that missing scarf you love, and
  • started a bag of things to take to Goodwill.


Acknowledging the steps you’ve accomplished feels good and feeling good about your list and life is awesome!

What if one of your 2017 projects was to “get in shape” and you aren’t there? Well, what did you do?

Did you…

  • start parking your car further and further away from the store and thus got more walking in?
  • share that box of chocolates you got with the staff at work instead of eating it all yourself?
  • try a new salad at the restaurant instead of just ordering your usual cheeseburger?

Give yourself credit and pat yourself on the back! 

Celebration is positive reinforcement and we need all we get.

Yah…you can do it!


Daily life can throw us some curves and it doesn’t always (sometimes/ever?) go as planned. But…it is wonderful to wake up each morning, to be alive and see all the possibilities in our new day.

All that has happened to us, all the gifts and challenges, opportunities and seeming setbacks has brought us to this day.

Have you ever done a “Ta-Da” list? 

How did it make you feel?

1 Comment

  • Fay Payton says:

    Hmm. Never done it officially. However, I have often done mini-reviews of a day’s or week’s work in my head. It really does help with the sense of overwhelm of the to-do lists that are endless. Now I’ll try looking back over the year as there really are lots of things that got learned, done, tried, finished.

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