Your imagination list

Posted by Pat on March 10, 2013 in Uncategorized |


In clearing out some old files, I found this fascinating list in an old Toastmasters’ newsletter that I thought you might find thought-provoking too! Here’s just a few from the list:

blog imagination1The Imagination List

  • What color is today?
  • What does happiness look like?
  • What does your self-image sound like?
  • What is the weight of your anger?
  • What is the shape of your imagination?

In Toastmasters, a group for improving public speaking skills, we would use these ideas as Table Topics. This meant that we would draw one of them from the hat, walk to the front of the room, and give a three minute talk on it. Talk about challenging! (but fun, too)


Thinking outside of the box is often spoken of as ever-increasingly important in these rather chaotic times. High school students are being told to expect at least 10 career changes in their lives, some to jobs we haven’t even invented yet. Flexibility, ability to learn quickly, creativity are some of the job “skills” that they will find necessary.

blog imagination

There’s a fun, mind-stretching book by Roger von Oech called A Whack on the Side of the Head that focuses on developing creative thinking. And who would deny that Dr. Seuss exemplified creative thinking?

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.

Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living,

it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.

Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”

from Dr. Seuss

 blog dr seuss2



I’ve been thinking about the feel of things. For example:

what texture does winter feel like?

how does the letter “M” feel?blog M1

So, how about you taking a stab at playing with one of the opening five questions? Just see what you can come up with.

  • Maybe your self-esteem sounds like “76 Trombones” or perhaps a jazz riff?
  • Or maybe the weight of your anger is  currently a mere feather or possibly a heavy backpack you’re carrying up a mountain?

And, for even more fun, you can come up with your own imaginative questions. The mix-mashing of your senses and the objects you experience can be enlightening.

I’d love to hear from you about some ideas from your imagination!


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