You don’t have time?
We will NEVER have “enough” time. Because we can’t “have” time. Time is not something that can be had by us humans. Time isn’t even real! It’s just something we humans created to make our lives more convenient.
Time is like a handful of sand…the harder we try to grip it, the more it slips through the cracks between our fingers.
So…if we can’t have time, what can we do?
Well, we can make time. The truth is that we are the creator of time.

Are you too busy to return calls, to fold the laundry, to spend time with folks instead of being on your phone or computer? Maybe even too busy to get 8 hours of sleep?
When we ask people “How are you?” the reply is often “I am busy…I’m swamped…etc.” Rarely do we hear “I do a lot of things that I enjoy”…or “I need help as I’m feeling exhausted.”
When we say that we are too busy or have no time, it just shows that we don’t have priorities!

We could become more aware of how often we claim to be busy. We could limit our multitasking. We could delegate. We could limit the distractions from our gadgets. We could even get enough sleep!
Since the only “time” is right now, we cab choose our focus-whether it be on
- a goal we are pursuing,
- a connection we wish to strengthen,
- a subject we wish to explore.
Time. There’s enough. We just need to follow our priorities and chug along happily doing whatever we value. This is a good reminder, Pat. Thanks.
What a great message! I love to think of all the time I have to live and love and laugh.