Wordy, are you?

How many words do you speak each day? Ten thousand? Twenty? Thirty?
A quick Google search puts the average across both sexes at between fifteen and sixteen thousand words a day.
If you accept these numbers, that means we speak close to 500,000 words a month and nearly 6,000,000 a year.
That’s a lot of words!
Many of us speak those words mindlessly, carelessly, even recklessly.We scarcely understand that our words have consequences. Our words can build others up or break them down. But even more significantly, your words build the world you inhabit. They create your reality.
Words build great nations and movements. Words start wars. Words end wars. Words wound.Words comfort. Words heal.
What are you creating with your six million words per year?
You are creator of your universe. When you understand the awesome power of your word, you may be less quick to speak. You will become more careful, more measured, and understand that every single utterance is a creation.

Remember that old adage Mom told us: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

And truer wisdom was never shared than these 3 questions that we should ask ourselves each time before speaking:
May we all create a universe of love, of beauty, of peace, of tenderness, and of kindness.

So…will you choose YOUR words carefully?
And what will you create?