Will you say yes or no?

Posted by Pat on July 10, 2022 in Uncategorized |

According to Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do.” More directly, we are what we say yes to.

Every second of every day, we are saying yes to something. Every time we do something, we say yes to that thing.

  • Every time we hop on Facebook and begin scrolling, we’re saying yes.
  • Every piece of food we put in our body, we’re saying yes.
  • Right now, as we read this article, we’re saying yes.

And when we say yes to anything, we say no to almost everything else. Every choice has an embedded opportunity cost. Every choice is costly. Saying yes isn’t free.

Would you agree with the thoughts below?

Some other thoughts to consider, by folks you might recognize…

“Sometimes you have to say ‘No’ to the good so you can say ‘Yes’ to the best.” Zig Ziglar, motivational teacher

“Say ‘NO’ without guilt, say ‘YES’ without fear.” Paulo Coelho, author

“Saying No to something is actually much more powerful than saying Yes.” Tom Hanks, actor

Whether we say ‘Yes’ or say ‘No’ we will reap the consequences of our choice. And if you are like me, sometimes we choose one and sometimes the other. But it is smart to realize that whenever we choose one, we are letting go of the other!

So… choose wisely!

1 Comment

  • Logan Kingsland says:

    Thank you for this Grandma! As always, very pertinent and very well said. I am in the process of reallocating my yes’s and no’s and always appreciate your hard earned tidbits of wisdom and thought

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