Why humor?

For those of you who are old enough to remember Red Skelton, I think you’ll enjoy this post. For those of you not old enough, you can see what you missed!

Red Skelton had a lot of great one-liners and was known for his clean humor. It wasn’t sophisticated humor. It was the good old days when humor didn’t have to start with a four letter word.
He could speak from experience to create his recipe for the perfect marriage. He had been married three times: once for 13 years, once for 25 years, and once for 27 years!
I hope you get a chuckle or two reading these!

So much for MY stroll down memory lane. After all I was just a youngster in those “good old days!” And…maybe you hadn’t even been born yet!
I hope YOU have some memories that bring a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart.
If so, bring them up more often and share them with those folks who love you!
He was great!!
He was one of the really funny ones.
They don’t make ’em like that much anymore!