Who’s your favorite grouch?

Posted by Pat on August 28, 2016 in Uncategorized |

Some famous grouches:

  • Oscar
  • the Grinch
  • Grumpy
  • Scrooge
  • Maxine
  • Garfield
  • Eeyore
  • Lucy
  • a relative?
  • the boss?
  • you?

We certainly have a lot of role models to choose from!

And there are lessons to be learned if we are willing.


For example, frowns vs. smiles… grouchy cat smile

grouch and a frown

After all, we’ve heard that it takes more work to frown than smile!

What’s your choice?




(Maybe I need some Mary Poppins and her “spoonful of sugar” to help me accept that it always comes back to me?)

After all, it is always our choice!grumpy by choice

  • how we will act,
  • how we will react,
  • what we will say, and
  • what we will do.


We name it and we claim it, just like Oscar!

grouchy Oscar

And sometimes we even proclaim it like Lucy!

crabby lucy







So now that we remember that it is always our choice, what will we choose?

Which role model would you choose to show you what you don’t want to be?!



  • mary kay pinnick says:

    I love all of those grouches. Being one myself, how can I not? And I sincerely believe we grouches are picked on. After all, who wants to be confronted with all those phony smiles all day? In my own defense, I can’t help being crabby because I am a Cancer. My favorites, besides myself are Garfield and Lucy. And I was dubbed Eeyore at my last job. He’s kind of a lovable grouch. And when a grouch smiles, you know it is genuine. So there!

  • Fay Payton says:

    Perhaps there are ‘social’ grouches, and ‘chemistry’ grouches. If so, I’m definitely in the latter category when there aren’t proper nutritional components heading to my brain. Being a ‘social’ grouch seems sort of self-defeating in some ways as it’s likely to keep others away….or is that the point?

    • Pat says:

      Fay, I recognize the symptoms of the ‘chemistry’ grouch…sometimes it’s also being over-tired that does it. And…yes, I do think the ‘social’ grouch is purposefully trying to keep others away!

  • Nadine Reneau says:

    Right now, I am a grouch because there is a fly bothering me. As fast as I am at swatting at him, of course he’s faster at getting away.
    With my sober face, all my life I have been accused of being a grouch when there was not that thought or feeling in my head. I’ve survived these many years without letting it get me down. However this heat we are having, yes I grouch about that!

    • Pat says:

      Nadine, so good to hear from you! I think you’ve hit the nail on the head (even if you couldn’t get that fly) because so often our circumstances are what get us down. So keep up ignoring those “grouches” who say you’re grouchy!

  • Cecelia says:

    I’m not usually a grouch but if I get over tired or super hungry I can be very grouchy. But I love Maxine and sometimes the things she says are so right on.

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    I can agree there are “social” and “chemistry” grouches. But that doesn’t qualify as a real, true grouch. Aren’t there any out there besides me?

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay-I love your take on our grouches! And I’m not sure the rest of the “real” grouches will be willing to speak up, but thank you. I really enjoy how you often turn up here as my “devil’s advocate”!

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