Where does the darkness go?
We celebrate this coming Friday as the Winter Solstice, the turning point in our calendar as the daylight begins to increase each day.
The solstice has the shortest period of daylight and also the longest night of the year.
Yet, the light begins, ever so slowly, to return.
The light and the dark move to equalize, to come into balance and harmony. Darkness and light form a rhythm.
(And that’s no matter what the weather currently looks like! We know that the coldest days of winter don’t really show up for another month and a half.)
“When we bring a lamp into a darkened room, where does the darkness go?”
Darkness is simply the absence of light. And light does not have to fight the darkness. It only has to be itself and the darkness disappears.
Light is an energy and energy is everywhere present.
This light and energy can be found within us. It is not dependent on anything (not even the sun nor our circumstances). It is an inner awareness of our Spirit.
No matter in what Winter our soul may feel like, there is always a Spring on the way. The changing seasons are a reminder that the seasons in our life are also changing.
We don’t have to make these changes happen, we just welcome them. We can take this season’s opportunity to
- quietly and calmly listen,
- notice and pay attention, and
- renew our awareness.
Our December daylight may be short…
but our personal light and energy is not limited to the daylight of December.
We can choose to bustle around, energetically doing all those things on our to-do list.
And the darkness also gives us the time when we can reflect, replenish our energy, and be more peaceful, calm and happy. We can choose to see the stars!
Enjoy the gifts that the Solstice brings!
1 Comment
You do an excellent job of describing the constant action of yin/yang. It is in constant cooperation yin yielding to yang when it is time and vice versa. In yin/yang thought, the winter solstice is known as the return of the light. Yin has been in dominance for 6 months but it is now time to yield to the ascendancy of yang which will continue until the summer solstice when it is at its maximum and must yield to the ascendancy of yin. It’s such a beautiful system and I thank you for giving me an opportunity to opine on it.