When is enuf, enuf?

What is enough? We are intelligent enough to know that we don’t know everything–that most of our experience falls somewhere in between the black and the white, the right and the wrong, the truth and the lies. When will we know enough, though?
I sometimes feel like Goldilocks, with the porridge choices being either too hot and me not wanting to wait, or too cold and me having missed the chance to get it at the right time , or hoping to find the one that is just right for me now.
I named this blog WisdomEnough.com because I didn’t want to wait until I was smarter or wiser. I wanted to do it now.

After all, we don’t need all wisdom or lots of wisdom, just enough wisdom for today! And that is great to my way of thinking. After all, we keep learning new stuff ( some of which we don’t yet know whether to call wisdom or not)
And isn’t true of most things? How much money is enough? How much time is enough? How many friends are enough? When will we be enough?
Doesn’t it depend on what we need or want it for?
- Money enough to spare and share is a favorite concept of mine.
- Time enough to do what we am here on earth to do.
- Friends enough to love well and be loved by.
- We already are enough!
Do you have any “lessons learned” or “truths discovered” that were “good enough” or “wisdom enough” for you?
I realized the other day that you are the one I have to thank for my abundance mindset. You also taught me to be satisfied with what I have but still work for improvement. I’m basking in the feeling of having enough as I was able to get my generator and laptop and can now binge on the internet for as much as I can get ahold of.
I remember that when I was in the 8th grade in 1958, I was challenged by a teacher who shared the following poem excerpt with us and promptly suggested that we would never learn or memorize it. That was ENOUGH motivation for me.
It Couldn’t Be Done
Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it!
There are additional verses, but this is the part that I remember as the challenge that was enough to make me remember this and able to quote it for decades.
So Russ, are you a rebel? You certainly rose to the challenge. It’s a long time to have remembered this. It is motivating still!
The older (and wiser) I get not enough becomes too much and I’m looking for a way to live simpler.
Enough sometimes occurs to me when I thought i wanted another slice of chocolate cake and realized a half hour later, to my dismay, that I had already had enough. If only I had just waited a bit!