What’s your today going to be like?

Will your mood depend on what day of the week today is? Or will your day depend on what kind of mood you woke up with? Is any day really your “TGIF” or “hump” day?
You do realize that you have the choice when you wake up to tell yourself that this is a…
- Serene (or snappish) Sunday,
- Marvelous (or miserable) Monday,
- Terrific (or terrible) Tuesday,
- Wonderful (or worrisome) Wednesday,
- Tremendous (or tiring) Thursday,
- Fabulous (or frustrating) Friday,
- Super (or sad) Saturday.
If someone asks you how you feel, you could laugh and ask, “What day is today?” before choosing your answer!
How can we make our days so good that we are indeed speaking the truth of our experience, when we choose the more positive word?
One smart idea is to start by anticipating a great week. Anticipation stimulates zest and zestful folks always have energy going for them. (anticipation is NOT worry!)

Then if our energy does start to sag the next day, we can pull our thoughts up to an enthusiastic level and hold them there. Acting “as if” we were already accepting and enthusiastic about the day will encourage us to actually be so.
We know that we choose our attitudes, our beliefs, and thus our perception of our experiences. We know that it’s not the circumstances that control our feelings. So when we have some days that seem to be bad or boring or exhausting we can make a choice of how we will respond to them.

And then we can decide how we want our day/mood to be…and declare it so!