What’s Your “Quarantine 15”?

We don’t have to bring everything from last year into this year of 2021. And I’m not just talking about those possible extra 15 pounds!
What about the “15” piles of clutter that resulted from all our homebound activity and working from home?
What about the “15” projects that we started and never finished?
What about the “15” books we wanted to read but just never did?
There’s absolutely zero shame in any of that.
Perhaps there were some habits we wish we hadn’t started. Or some good habits we let lapse?

Was it too much television watching, or too much snacking, or..?
Or no longer exercising, or giving up on meditating, or..?
Last year was unlike anything we’ve lived through before, and I think it’s important to cut ourselves some slack and show ourselves some grace!
But all those things that piled up last year, all that “extra” we’re carrying around could stay in 2020. The way to leave it all behind is to make and (more importantly) finish goals that will get us to where we want to be into 2021.
Let’s take some time to look back on how far we’ve come and the way we’ve made it through this challenging time. I think we’ve shown a tremendous ability to roll with the punches and to have made it to 2021.
2020 was a year for resilience!
As a group and as individuals, we have shown ourselves to be adaptive in ways we never thought we would have to be over the course of this past year.
So what are YOU going to leave behind in 2020?
1 Comment
For sure it was the snacking! Also the projects I had started (years ago, some of them) and expected to finish but didn’t. What I know every day is that time is not limited, my energy and motivation are not limited, and tomorrow comes right on schedule.
Every morning I arise with the expectation that “something wonderful is happening in my life today.”
That’s enough!