What’s MOLO?

Posted by Pat on March 26, 2017 in Uncategorized |

Want to work less and get more done? The MOLO principle is simple, though maybe not easy!

MOLO=More Of, Less Of

It’s an impactful lifestyle design idea.

To use it, take out a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. On one side,  write “More Of” and the other side write “Less Of.”

Now look at your life and ask yourself what do you want more of. What do you want less of?

Our life may seem cluttered, our home may be messy, our work disorganized, our feelings heavy, our thoughts less than kind to ourselves and others.

We often mindlessly add things to our lives and rarely subtract without great effort. We can choose to clear away the things that don’t really matter.

Let’s look at our life and our relationships and consistently edit to make room for the things that matter most.

The not-so-easy part is to look at our life and DO SOMETHING, to add something for today from the More Of column and take off something from the Less  Of column.


What do we love to do and why are those things always on the bottom of our list?

I love to read, write, mentor, color, do ZenTangles, go to concerts, do Tai Chi. And I’ve made them a priority. But I didn’t use to!

I, too, waited until I got everything done, until I had worked enough, and had enough time, and therefore rarely got to do what I loved without feeling guilty. How about you?

How can we rearrange things to do more of what we want while shedding those activities we want to reduce?

I found that when I made my list, my focus was for more feelings of gratitude, clarity, and peace. And I wanted to have less whining, internet surfing, clutter, depression. Stuff didn’t make my lists!( Oh, yes, fun did make my More Of list!)

Focusing on the essential few ideas that really matter and dropping much of the trivial items that don’t lead to joy and peace makes for personal satisfaction!

It may be time to drop some balls!

More balls in the air requires more juggling and often more ball dropping. When we forget to do something or accidentally drop the ball, we feel guilty and unworthy.

What if we intentionally dropped the ball, or simply removed it from our juggling act? Or maybe it was important to throw that ball up there, but if we discover that it isn’t any more, let’s drop it!


what can YOU add to your More Of list?

What can you take off your plate from your Less Of list?

I’d love to hear from you!




  • Tish Watts says:

    OK here is a short list….more relaxation, puttering in the yard, feelings of gratitude and reading come to mind immediately. Less stress, fewer obligations,being less judgmental, and news/discussions of the state of the country! Now that I have this in front of me I will start the baby steps I know it takes to begin this journey. If I have too much more on my list I will just be overwhelmed and get nowhere!Thanks Pat!

    • Pat says:

      Tish, so that’s what a “short” list looks like?! Picking the baby steps to get started is always a potential stumbling block. And it was important to me to remember that I could only add something if I took something off, otherwise overwhelm is the result!

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