What is it with socks?!

Posted by Pat on January 6, 2013 in Uncategorized |

What is it with socks…?

socks and machineIt’s one of those little frustrations in life.

Where do those socks go?

How is it we can have lots of socks, but not matching ones?

Does the washer eat them?

Is a sock monster to blame? 

Is it a test from the universe?

Why do I keep saving sock singles, hoping the match will show up?

It’s a case for Sherlock Holmes!


One person’s creative solution:

            She ditched all those mismatched socks and bought a dozen of the same 100% cotton, no elastic socks IN THE SAME COLOR!  And she put the socks into a lingerie net bag as soon as she took them off.  Aahh, no more fights with the sock-hungry washing machine!


Another take on it:

            When I was sharing this issue with a girlfriend, she said to just relax. When she was a child, she never wore matching socks; it wasn’t fun!  When nagged about her socks not matching, she’d just reply that they do match because they are both socks.


And a really creative answer to this Riddle:

            It’s a conspiracy by the sock manufacturers. In every pair, one sock is a real, good sock, and one is made of lint stuck together. After a couple washings, it dissolves into the lint you find in your dryer, and you have to Buy More Socks.


And for me?

 I saw some really creative un-matched mismatched sockssocks on an acquaintance and asked about them. She sent me to a website www.LittleMissMatched.com that features all kinds of colorful mismatched socks that they sell in sets of three. (Guess I can now afford to lose one!)

            My friends at Tai Chi class tease me about my colorful socks as I glide ever so gracefully around the room, but I think they’re just envious! And yes, it is fun!


I think life is too short for matching socks!


So…what do you think? Are you in favor, or not, of matching your “socks?”

Is there another part of your life that’s not “matching up” like you think it should?

What about taking action on a procrastinated project? Pulling those tax records?

What about nagging your kids to write those Christmas thank you notes, when you haven’t written yours?

Cheating on your diet?

What about your whining about what someone “should have” done, that you know you should have done as well?


Does it matter whether your actions match up with your beliefs? Or is this different that matching your socks?

I’d love to hear about either your sock issues or bigger ones!

You can share with us all below.

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  • Fay says:

    Matching behaviors with beliefs is called “being congruent”. Vastly different than sock matching! When I’m not congruent, at odds with myself really, it indicates a possible lack of trust in those beliefs. Our behaviors reflect what we actually believe rather than what we think we believe or want to believe. When this happens to me – well, out comes the journal to figure out what’s going on in this head of mine.

    Anyway, about those socks! Love it! I have a bunch of sock yarns left over from various projects – they could be mixed up more or less randomly to create a drawerful of playful combinations. I’m liking this idea – a lot. Look out, family! You’re likely be receiving miscellaneous and seemingly chaotic socks this next year! What fun!

    • Pat says:

      Good idea to pursue the incongruence with the journal writing!
      That has been a good help to me in gaining clarity (even though it may take a number of journal entries).

  • Fay says:

    Oh, yes. The missing socks from around here are most likely in cahoots with the other missing items, like the camera, the pedometer, a ring, etc. Maybe they all went on holiday together.

    • Pat says:

      Well, Fay,
      I have often found that when I’m being scatter-brained, I’m really good at being so. A number of procrastinations in a week is a good sign to me of being off-centered and to ask myself some pointed “why” questions.
      When it’s a number of items gone missing, it’s a message to me to slow down and pay attention to what I’m doing.
      And when it’s both, it’s probably a smart move to just crawl back under the covers and start over tomorrow!

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