What if you don’t want a new beginning?

Posted by Pat on January 24, 2016 in Uncategorized |

 aint brokeWhat’s wrong with things as they are? Why are we so easily lured into the idea that something is broken that needs fixing?

Don’t get me wrong-I’m all for personal growth and even transformation. But the messages in January seem to point to wholesale changes.

I’m too tired to change my whole life. Or maybe I’m not tired.

Maybe I’m just content. I have enough to eat, a cozy apartment to live in, and interesting things to occupy my days. That’s a whole lot more than many folks.

So I choose not to buy into our culture of dissatisfaction!

All is well as it is.blog all is well

That doesn’t mean that the world couldn’t be more peaceful and have less pain and suffering. That would be wonderful, but It just means that it isn’t my responsibility to “fix” things for anyone.

  • Let me be content.
  • Let me get that I am already enough.
  • That there is enough.
  • That nothing needs to be any different than it already is.

I want to ease into this year 2016 with a grateful heart. To give what I can. To love where I can. And to be kind to myself.

And I’ve decided the best gift I can give myself is… time!

If it took me 5 years to gain this extra weight, it will take longer than 5 days to lose it. And that’s okay.

If it took me 10 years to fill my garage with clutter, it will take longer than 10 minutes to clean it. And that’s okay.

blog slow enjoy folks

Slow results are still results.

Slow progress is still progress.

Slow change is still change.

Great things do take time!

So, what’s the best gift you can give yourself?

 a gift of…?


  • Earl Blackaby says:

    The best gift I have given myself is to learn to slow life down, look around and see things you did not give yourself the time to notice. There are many sights to see and enjoy if you just give yourself the time to see them.
    You will also find that there is lots of healthy exercise if you walk to enjoy some Nature instead of driving quickly by it as in the past.
    With me its have camera will travel.

    • Pat says:

      Earl, your “have camera, will travel” has resulted in a lot of enjoyment for a lot of folks! You’re a great role model!

  • Lea Lambel says:

    So well spoken. We do not need to change our lives.It is enough to just be. Always reaching a hand if there is someone in need, but content with our own life as it is. Thank you as always, Pat

    • Pat says:

      Lea, so true that we don’t need to change. How many decades has it taken me to learn that contentment is a worthy “goal.”

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    My son keeps telling me I’m lucky cause when I get up in the morning, I don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to. I don’t even have to get out of bed. That’s not exactly right because I have a dog I have to take care of. But I know what he’s saying. There is no job to go to and since I live alone (except for the mutt) I don’t have to please anyone but myself. So the dishes can pile up and the dust can accumulate.
    My gift to myself this year is to make my heart lighter. In the Egyptian religion, the heart is weighed after death and it must be light as a feather. That means getting rid of regrets, guilt, resentments and anything that would weigh the heart down. I think if one fills the heart with love and joy, it will be light and there is no room for any of the negative things. Anyhow, that’s my plan.

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