what do you REALLY want?

If you want to find your dream home, describe it.
“It’s on a hill, surrounded by tall trees, with a panoramic view.”
What feeling does the house give you?
And the hill?
“It would show me perspective.”
And the trees?
“Trees represent growth.”
And the panoramic view?
“It attunes me to expansiveness.”
So…you really are looking for security, perspective, growth, and expansiveness. And if you could feel all those experiences, would you really need the house?
This is a shortcut to getting what we really want. (just an example from a former Realtor perspective!)
Because we are spiritual beings at our core, it is the feeling of a particular experience that we crave. If we got the house but not the feelings we sought, we would still be unsatisfied.
If we got the feelings, no matter whether the house came or not, we would be deeply satisfied.
So as we go into this new year, this new decade, let’s go in with this improved perspective and choose to learn this lesson!
LESSON? Be aware of the experience we seek and cultivate it right where we are! The feelings are what we really want the experience to give us!
(peace, love, safety, wisdom, joy, beauty, creativity..?)
What do you want to be and have?
What do you really want to be and have?
What do you really, really want to be and have?
Let’s all go for the feelings that our experiences in 2020 can bring us. I truly believe we will all be happier with this as our focus.
1 Comment
What I really want is a feeling of loving and being loved; a feeling of knowing just what it is I do want; a feeling of acceptance for all that is; a feeling of seeing the earth as my home and feeling that I belong here.