What do you complain about?

Posted by Pat on May 1, 2016 in Uncategorized |

Over 50 years ago, spiritual and political leader Mahatma Gandhi gave a pretty good description of what is still our current situation:

“The things that will destroy us are: a complain do something

  • politics without principle;
  • pleasure without conscience;
  • wealth without work;
  • knowledge without character;
  • business without morality;
  • science without humanity.”



As my sister has so clearly pointed out to me, we each have the responsibility to do what needs to be done to improve those situations we complain about.

 a complain thorns

Like so many things we want to be successful in, there is always a price to pay. And that price is often seen as thorns!

But anything worth having

  • is worth deserving,
  • is worth earning,
  • is worth enjoying.


And as Dan Kennedy, marketing guru said:

when someone complains about their lot in life: their job, their income, the economy, politics,  we should ask them the question:

 What are the five books you’ve obtained and studied most recently to somehow improve your lot in life?…to acquire new skills, to make yourself more valuable, to find new opportunity.


Secondly, when they complain about their relationships (either personal or business), ask:

What are the five things you’ve done most recently to communicate  your enjoyment of, and gratitude for, those folks?

I believe that we all know that no one (partner, parent, child, boss, co-worker) is going to always be exactly the way we want them to be, or do exactly what we want them to do when we want them to do it.

But for our relationships to prosper we need to accept folks as they are-warts and wrinkles and all!  And hopefully then, they can accept us as we are too!


So…what do you think? 

Are you actually doing what you can in your life and your relationships

  • to learn more,
  • to find new opportunities,
  • to make the most of the opportunities you already have?


You’ve seen me use this analogy before…could it apply to you?


blog glass problem solver

Is your glass half full? half empty?

Are you grateful for the glass?

(are you a complainer or a problem solver?)

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