What can’t you see?
Ever watch a robin in your backyard suddenly dive into the grass and pull an earthworm out (that you didn’t see)?
Did you know that earthworms are incredibly abundant in the soil? It is estimated that there are between 250,000 and 1,750,000 earthworms per acre!
In fact, the weight of the earthworms beneath a farmer’s soil could be greater than that of the livestock upon its surface.
It’s a case of what we can’t see is greater than what we can see!
For another example, when you hold an apple, you see just one apple. Yet within that apple is the potential of thousands of apple trees (that you can’t see.)
Worms or Apples?
It’s also the same with life.
There is far more in the invisible realms than in the visible. There is more abundance within than without.
And that’s because everything we see ( from the computer we work on to the grandchild we adore) was first an idea, a thought, a possibility. It was invisible, and then it was made visible.
Our real work in this lifetime is first done in the invisible.
It’s our thoughts and feelings that precede things and actions.
You are creating your future now with your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Are you pursuing puzzles and problems of the past, the now, or of the world looking for reasons to feel bad? Are you repeating old thoughts, feelings, beliefs that do not serve you well?
Or are you looking for reasons to feel good, looking for new thoughts and feelings that will serve you well?
So…are YOU choosing thoughts, feelings or actions that make you feel better or worse?
Worms or apples? They’re both okay with me, just not together.
Great thoughts!
I can’t see the future. Therefore, I will be content with knowing the past (except where my mistakes and bad choices interfered) and the present. Since happiness is a choice, I can’t see why I would choose to be happy.
Now I can see that I left out the important word “NOT.”