What can you learn?

It may seem like a bit of a stretch to say there are life lessons to be learned from that jack-o’-lantern you carve for Halloween, but see what you think about these! (even if your pumpkin might be less dramatic)
1. Get inside-We need to be willing to open ourselves up to the possibilities ahead.
2. Have a plan-whether it’s a simple one with triangles for eyes and nose and toothy grin or something more intricate, it helps when we have a plan so we and everyone knows what we’re trying to accomplish.

3. Get to the guts of the issue-This is sometimes the hard part because it usually doesn’t feel good. Sometimes the “seeds of distraction” can pull us off target. It can be slimy and uncomfortable but if we don’t get deep into the heart of the issue, our final idea/project/day/life might be only a surface level achievement.
4. Cut to the chase-the sharper the knife/skill, the better the results. Taking action with confidence, and also not rushing, is smart. Sometimes if we cut off more than we want, we can damage our entire project/life.
5. Pay attention to the details– Once we’ve taken our initial steps, it’s time to go back and “check our work.” We can fine tune anything by looking at things from all angles so that others looking at the outside see our best work/life.

6. Light it up…from the inside– Inspiration usually comes from the outside, but motivation comes from within. We need to reach deep in our souls and re-ignite the pilot light that fuels our passion. When it is shining brightly, folks can see our commitment to excellence from far away.
7. Put our work on display-Once we’ve done all the work and feel good about the final result, it’s time to “pump” our chest out and let everyone see our awesomeness!
We can find lessons anywhere if we choose!
Can you add any others?
This one is food for thought. If plan A and plan B don’t work, eat it.
Great analogy! Life is really like that, isn’t it?