What can it mean for us?
The Chinese New Year started on February 1st. And it’s the Year of the Tiger! Tigers are the third of the Chinese zodiacs.
According to legend, Tiger was confident that no one could compete with its speed and vigor for the celestial race that would decide the order of the zodiacs. However when Tiger climbed out of the river, thinking it was first, it was informed that Rat placed first for its cunning and Ox placed second for its diligence. This left the king of the jungle having to settle for third place.
The Year of the Rat (2020) was about survival, and the Year of the Ox (2021) was about endurance, anchoring ourselves in the new reality. (Remember them?)
The Year of the Tiger (2022) is about making big changes, risk-taking and adventure. Are we up to it? The Tiger is associated with masculine, active energy.
It seems that we have moved from the survival of 2020, through the adaptations of 2021 and are now looking at the regeneration of 2022. Don’t you think we can all do with a bit of Tiger courage?

It’s not only that the year of the Tiger comes once every 12 years, but that this is also the year of the Water Tiger, which comes only once every 60 years! The Water years bring out our emotions more than any of the other elements (metal, wood, fire, earth)
So…in addition to the courage, power, and passion of Tigers, Water Tigers are considered to be just a bit less aggressive, and more family-oriented with good interpersonal skills. They tend to do what is best for everyone, not just themselves.

Why don’t we choose to follow Cinderella’s advice this year and make it a good one?
Let’s all have a Happy New Year…
by design!