We’re energy systems…

We are not a chunk of flesh, we are energy! If we were to magnify ourselves, we would find that we are made of cells, which in turn are made up of molecules of various substances. These are made up of atoms which are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And these are energy packets. An electron is an energy packet.
Yes, we are one big ball of energy. (And so is everything else!)
And we are here to experience “energy in motion, to experience e-motion.” At every moment, even if we’re not aware of it, we’re feeling emotions. Whatever emotion that is, it resonates and attracts similar energy systems around us.

Our inner state creates our outside experience. Therefore, the most important thing is this: how do we FEEL now? Always, in all ways, it matter most how we feel because that is what creates our experiences.
Energy attracts like energy. The Law of Attraction…when we are happy, we attract happy conditions. When we’re miserable, well, you know what happens…

Knowing this is not enough. To put it simply, we are paid for the knowledge that we possess AND EXPRESS. A doctor is paid for medical knowledge, but only when she uses it to heal, when she expresses it.
So is a plumber. So are we.
But if hard work was all we needed to succeed, half this planet would be rich. How obvious is that? People work like dogs nowadays – it does take more than just effort!
The thoughts we think (that we can learn and do it), the feelings (yearnings, desire to do it) and the choices we make (to start on that path, to take those steps) are what we do with the energy that we are.
Or not. It’s always up to us.
Let’s know that we are energy in motion, e-motion!

Pat: You have done an excellent job in describing the interaction of yin/yang of the universe. They are complementary, one cannot exist without the other. As long as they interact according to nature we have balance. I would describe thinking as yang and emotions as yin. We do need both. Einstein was right everything is energy and science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed.
Very good reading and I always love to reflect on this stuff!