we didn’t miss it…
Posted by Pat on February 23, 2025 in Uncategorized | ∞

Though Random Acts of Kindness was last week, we haven’t missed our chance! We can use this next week.
Are you up to the challenge? For the next seven days, we can pick one thing from these seven ideas (or from your own list!) They won’t take long and we will be amazed at how good it will feel.
- Smile at everyone we see-it’s contagious!
- Give genuine compliments to someone we hardly know (like the grocery clerk or mail person).
- Call someone we know who’s in a tough spot and just listen for as long as they’d like.
- Let someone go ahead of us in line…just because!
- Write a thoughtful comment on a blog or Facebook post where the author clearly invested a ton of time and energy crafting it. Folks who post love create positive feedback.
- Have a conversation with a friend and focus on speaking less. Say, “Tell me more.”
- Call, email or write a close favorite person in our life and let them know the unique impact they’ve had on our life.
It’s easy to be kind!
It’s smart to be kind!
It’s fun to be kind!

Maybe we could even start with being kind to ourselves?