We also get some right!
Here’s one of my favorite stories from 6 years ago:
Little Emma is 6 years old and in first grade and it’s the end of the first week. When Mom picked her up from school, Emma bounced happily into the car. “How was school today, honey?” Immediately and very happily, Emma answered: “I had my first test today!” “How’d you do?” And without hesitation, she shouted, “I got 30%!”
Oh my god…how hard can first grade be? Wouldn’t they make it really possible to succeed on your first test?
And Mom almost said, “Oh, honey, you must feel terrible” but said with divine guidance, “How did that make you feel?” “I GOT SOME RIGHT!” she shouted.
What a great way to see the world. I’m not suggested we should shoot for 30%, but as we move on our journey, we too get some right and some wrong. Let’s celebrate them both!
After all, we’re enrolled in Life 101 and it isn’t the grade we earn that’s so important, but rather that we learn what we can while we’re enrolled!
It’s okay not to know.

It’s okay to be lost and not know…because that’s what learning is, that’s what life is. Whether we’re an Emma in first grade or a bewildered adult, life is all about the learning.
Why are we here? Because we have
- lessons to learn,
- choices to make,
- skills to master,
- time to spend, and
- joy to experience!
And since no one is responsible for grading/judging us, we can take a deep breath, give thanks for being alive and just play/work/grow/live/love/give/…!

What will you do with this opportunity?
What gift do you want to give to the world? your community? your family? yourself?