Vitamin Z?!

Many of us put a lot of energy toward keeping our bodies healthy by making sure we eat healthy, making sure we get all our vitamins, even exercising regularly!
But…what about the health of our minds and (even more importantly) our hearts and our souls? How many of us make sure that each day we do something to keep our hearts and souls healthy? Are there vitamins for the soul?
We have been observing May’s Mental Health Awareness since 1949. Each year businesses, organizations, schools and individuals dedicate this month to acknowledging those affected by mental illness and to presenting innovative ideas, events and programs that support the treatment and prevention of mental illness.
What if we brought that same intention to nourishing our souls? What if there were specific things that we thought of as vitamins for our souls?
Think about taking our daily or weekly doses of smiles, laughter, slow walks, coffee with a friend, phone calls with family, gardening, reading, knitting.
We can recognize the effects these experiences have on us and prioritize them as integral parts of a healthy lifestyle. We could consciously take regular doses of “Vitamin Z” right along with all our other healthy habits.
We may, of course, sometimes slip from taking good care of ourselves. But there is always today when we can make little changes and get back on track!
So the next time we make that choice to eat better, get more exercise or remember to take our regular vitamins, we can also choose to acknowledge the other things that bring us joy.
Let’s all to take a moment to acknowledge what warms our hearts and nurtures our soul. After all, we do know that what we focus on, expands!
So…did you at least smile?
1 Comment
Good reminder! Thank you!