Uplifting Showers?

Posted by Pat on March 6, 2016 in Uncategorized |

blog rain beautySince the arrival of one or more rainy days can be interpreted as a signal to slow down and contemplate life,

that’s MY choice this weekend!

Slowing down to appreciate the gifts in my life is a blessing.

Thinking of

  • my life’s energy,
  • love given and received,
  • lessons learned but so often forgotten,

reconnects me with my source.

My gratitude for

  • just being,
  • being here, and
  • being here now,

surfaces anew.

What forgotten gifts of yours could you contemplate? 

The simple miracle of water falling from the sky is a nourishing gift, a symbol of emotional cleansing, a connection between earth and sky.

As the drizzle falls, freshly opened buds close and many animals settle into their nests for a period of repose.

We can enjoy the pitter-patter of the rain on the rooftop and on the car window, which makes a soothing and even therapeutic sound-one that reminds us that while the unforeseen will always be a part of our lives, we should never forget that nearly every cloud that comes into our life will have a silver lining!blog rain spirit

But what about those downpours?

Love even those!

The cleansing of the air is refreshing, the rain nourishes the earth, the rivers fill. Storms literally change the energy in the air and that can invigorate us!

We are a part of something so much bigger than us! We are a reflection of everything  we see.

So just maybe we should be careful what we choose to look at and give our attention to!

What do you want to reflect?

When do you want to reflect?

Or do you just want to get wet?

blog rain wet


  • meg.chaffin says:

    Pat, I’m one of those folks who find it invigorating when a grey, rainy day comes along (surely there must be others?). So when the rain falls, I feel buoyed up and excited, especially during a thunderstorm. Maybe being left-handed does make me a bit out of step with the rest of the world, as my Dad used to say.

    • Pat says:

      Meg, maybe being left-handed does have something to do with our marching to our own drummer! But then again maybe any excuse will do when we want to assert our individuality!

    • Barbara Richards says:

      I do also.

      Barbara LaPrath

      • Pat says:

        Barbara, there’s a lot of energy in a stormy day and it IS invigorating to a lot of us!

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    I’m with Meg. I’m a rainy day person. I do miss the thunderstorms of the Midwest though. We don’t really have good ol’fashioned storms here. But i take what I can get.

  • Tish says:

    Being a sun worshiper I appreciate this post as it made me see rainy days differently!! I lived in Texas as a young child and I really do miss the best thunderstorms ever!

  • Pat says:

    Tish, you and Mary Kay have the love of thunderstorms in common! As a novelty I like them too. And I’m glad they’re only novelties here in our eastern Washington!

  • Marla says:

    Great timing for me to read this tonight, as I just walked through a little storm to get to my car and drive home. I’m glad I listened to my guides this morning and took a rain jacket, even tho wearing a sweater. I’m a sun worshiper also, but will pay more attention to the beauty of the rain; along with the flowers and greenery it brings in the spring. 🙂

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