Two extra months!

Posted by Pat on September 21, 2014 in Uncategorized |

more timeTwo full extra months!

Just got another calendar from a grateful non-profit. And guess what! They gave me an extra two months!

Yep! That’s a total of 426 days instead of just a mere 365!

Have you gotten one yet? If not, just check out the calendars that are currently appearing in your bookstore, your Staples, even your grocery stores! I’ll bet you’ll find some extra months in them too!

So, what will you do with this gift of extra days?

We are given so little time to do good. We should take advantage of every opportunity.

We have a finite number of days on this planet. And yet the world is filled with

things to do,

places to go,

people to meet,

opportunities to take!

As Dr. Seuss reminds us:

 dr seuss

And, as Helen Keller said:

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.


During our 80+ years here, don’t we want to have as much fun as possible? Don’t we want to experience as much as possible? Adventurous, new experiences are far more fulfilling than “stuff” or hanging around the house cleaning, watching TV, or doing nothing.

Don’t we want to have an impact? Leave a legacy? Make a difference?

As we all probably know from personal experience,

life is both a walk in the park, and a trek through the mud!


Nevertheless, some folks seem to think they are trapped and that someone, somehow, someday will fix it.

Calvin cartoon

But if we are unhappy, it’s because we have chosen to be.

(You don’t agree?)

Well, we know that you’re a human, you live on Earth, you have a computer (or you know someone with one), you’re educated enough to read (or you know someone with that education), and you know what the internet is.

That’s enough for us to acknowledge that you can make your own happiness. Not by changing your external environment necessarily, but by changing your internal environment.

As Gordon Livingston, M.D., states

“When we think about loss of freedom, we seldom focus on the ways in which we voluntarily impose constraints upon our lives. Everything we are afraid to try, all our unfulfilled dreams, constitute a limitation on what we are and could become.”

If we feel stuck, we have two choices:

Stay miserable or

create our own happiness.

We’ve built our own box so we can rebuild it, redesign it, make it NOT a box!

So, I’ve decided that I have plenty of time to create a new experience.

(After all, I do have those two full extra months!)

So what will you do with your new-found time?




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  • Earl Blackaby says:

    There are times in your life that you have an opportunity before you and it is your choice what to do with it. It may be life changing but you will not experience the outcome unless you go for the chance you are facing. If decide no, you will never know what would have happened. If yes, maybe nothing happens or your path has a great change of direction.
    With the help of two friends, they convinced me to have a blind date. I was not for it but did go ahead with the opportunity to face a date with someone I had never met. My path in life took a great new direction that day – I met a great girl and we have been going steady ever since that day – 50 years ago !!
    I did have new-found time.

    • Pat says:

      Earl, being open to new opportunities can bring rewarding results, as you have well testified about meeting Sandy!

  • Wow, do I have to think about time? I confess, it is a mystery to me. I have read or heard that there is no such thing as time, there is only NOW. And today I am spending NOW cleaning, watering cause it has to be done. On the other hand, the path to enlightenment is “Chop wood, carry water”. My view is that our lifetime on this earth is a journey. It doesn’t matter how long it is, quality is more important than quantity. Then, sometime in the future, we come back again for another journey. What fun! I could go into how silly it is to divide our “time” into days, months, years, etc. but my fingers are tired already and I probably don’t have enough space or time to express all my wisdom on these pages.

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