Two “easies”

Posted by Pat on May 28, 2017 in Uncategorized |


One of the simple philosophical principles in life is:

Easy to do is also

easy NOT to do!


It’s super easy to turn off the computer and the phone when I want some thinking time. It’s not particularly hard to reach out and unplug.

Doing that is SUPER easy.

But…it’s also REALLY easy not to do those things and thus continue to be distracted.

Jim Rohn, self development teacher (of Tony Robbins, Darren Hardy, Les Brown, and more)  shared  that a major formula for success is just a few disciplines practiced every day. A few simple habits, good habits, repeated every day…

What should we be spending our time doing? We don’t want to waste our time on things that aren’t going to matter. So what matters? Is what matters what we really commit to doing? Does our calendar and daytimer show it?

                                Our health?

We all know that to be healthy it doesn’t serve us to eat seven apples on Saturday instead of eating one a day! Nor does exercising on just one day do much for us either. We do need to practice a few small disciplines every day.


                      Our relationships

We all know that relationships either are growing closer or further apart depending on whether we nurture them or not. Do we take them for granted? Or do we remember to daily convey our gratitude and appreciation?



             Our personal growth?

“Done with” school doesn’t mean we’re done with our education. It’s what we choose to pursue after graduation that determines where we end up.


Easy to do. Easy to not do. Two “easies.”

Our future is formed by our choices!

What will YOU choose?



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