Travel puns for fun!
With borders closed and travel iffy…Here’s some “punny” sharings in place of our preferred vacation travels! Which ones do you like best?

Britain is a wet place due to the Queen’s long reign.
Never make fun of a Scotsman’s traditional garb. You could get kilt that way.

Italian building inspectors in Pisa are leanient.
The pharaohs of Egypt came up with the first pyramid scheme.

The Irish are wealthy beccause their capitol is always Dublin.
Every TV program seemed to be about time when I got to Geneva. I thought it was weird, but it’s what the Swiss watch.

A practical Czech is considered to be Praguematic.
I had an instant connection with someone in South Korea. I think they’re my Seoul mate.
I’ll bet you could add to this list of puns, but I’ll stop here…

Mighty fine puns, Pat! Way to go! So much wisdom. And then that it has international application is wonderful as well. It could be said that’s wisdom enough. One might also be wise to remember, while traveling, reading while sunbathing makes one well red.
Russ, I knew you couldn’t resist making yet another pun! Thanks for your comments (and your contribution).
Are you channeling dad these days, Pat? Definitely my smile for the morning!
Yep, Fay! And sometimes Jeff as well!