Too much chocolate?

Posted by Pat on February 14, 2016 in Uncategorized |

choc bath frog



Do you think that there could be such a thing as too much chocolate?!


There’s a old joke that says 9 out of 10 people like chocolate and the tenth one lies!

As a previous owner of a chocolate store, I admit that I seem to attract chocolate quotes, jokes, and posters (as well as chocolate, of course!)

And though I try to contain myself, at least once a year I have this compulsion to share some of the new ones I’ve collected.

I’d love to have you send me any of your favorites that I may not yet have collected!


 beatersAre my sister and I the only ones who fought over who got the beater with the most chocolate frosting on it?









m and ms

And searching for true inner peace may well be the reason there are no leftovers!





Since today is Valentine’s Day,

I can’t resist including this image!

(Thank you Fay for this one!)

 choc mutts

My true feelings…


Do you have any favorites?

Maybe (heaven forbid) not chocolate but some other decadent luxury?


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