to resolve or not to resolve?

Some thoughts… some humor! Even some intriguing ideas to consider!
Some thoughts:

Some humor:

Some intriguing ideas:

Have the same ones come up for you year after year?
Maybe we should ask ourselves “Why?” first. Is it a “should” or “someone else’s idea for us” or just “tradition”? Are these good reasons?
Maybe we need to rethink the whole idea.
Maybe what we need to do is set some intentions or themes for the year rather than resolutions?
Maybe what we need to do is focus on some 90-day sprints rather than a year’s marathon?
I’m certainly open to your ideas and suggestions!
I make a resolution each morning to use this new day in a new way. i can repeat the same old, same old, boring things I may have done yesterday.or I can shake up some habits, step away from the familiar, and reach a bit further than I think I can, and welcome that special experience Spirit has created just for me. It works for me.
My biggest goal for the year? Be kind.