Time for your inner spring cleaning?

Posted by Pat on April 19, 2015 in Uncategorized |

cluttered closetWhile you’re cleaning out closets and garages, think about this: spring house cleaning, while worth the effort, will only last for a season.

But personal, inner, spring cleaning can have a long-lasting influence.

So don’t just dust behind those book shelves! Give yourself the gift of taking that spring cleaning to the deeper level, your inner self.

And you can purge not just things, but unnecessary activities, and out-worn beliefs. It’s always amazing how much “stuff” we have accumulated.


Catherine Ponder, author, wrote the following affirmation that might help you too!

“I now let go of outworn things, worn out relationships. Divine order is now established and maintained in my world.”


Inner cleansing requires deep cleaning; it’s housekeeping that goes beyond what others see and hear. It’s a cleaning from within—inside and out. As your heart gets cleared, your language should follow.

This is not just talking about bad language, but also negative talk and pessimistic thoughts, including the challenge to stop complaining.

clutter is in mind

Taking out the garbage is important! After all, the old computer algorithm “GiGo”, (garbage in=garbage out) applies to your mind as well. You want to get rid of the old thoughts, harmful emotions.

We all know that if you squeeze a lemon, only lemon juice can come out. If you don’t want lemon juice, you need a different fruit.

Forgiving is an ever-continuing process; releasing your attachments to those negatives from your past is a gift you give yourself.

An image I like is that of a meadow where there was a path that i meadow path works now overgrown with weeds. To restore it you would not need to create anything, rather you would remove something. As the shrugs and weeds are cleared, the path appears.

You may remove the mental weeds of negative imaginations, fearful attitudes, unrealistic ideas just as Michelangelo chipped away all the marble that was unlike David and created a masterpiece.


So this spring, what are you clearing out and chipping away to create a fresh, sparkling, and happy you?




  • meg.chaffin says:

    For me spring cleaning is all-season cleaning. Every day I manage to find some thing, either material or mental, perhaps an old belief, that is taking up space I could be better using for something new and functional. It just suits my style to be ever vigilant–open minded and ready to replace out-moded stuff. Mental “dust” accumulates and tends to hide the old, so that I have to stay alert to find it.

    • Pat says:

      Meg, What a great idea! Spring cleaning (or any other big task)becomes manageable when dealt with in daily doses. And this is particularly true of the mental “dust!” Thanks for sharing!

      • meg.chaffin says:

        When I see how much fine dust collects on my black stove top, I can just imagine how much nearly invisible mental and spiritual dust can be deposited before I’m aware of it. Gotta keep that duster at the ready! It surely does make my day when I’ve disposed of some of it and can see the truth underneath.

  • Barbara Richards-LaPrath says:

    Thank you Pat and Meg, I will be examining my thinking.

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