Thoughts for the end of summer

Posted by Pat on August 24, 2014 in Uncategorized |

 life is a danceWe seem to like beginnings and endings.

Letting go of “summer” and preparing for “fall” gives us a clean slate so we can choose anew the mantras we want to embody!

Pick yours!


 worry or grow




 canceled check




 choose people






blog cartoon grade


friendship feeling blue














  Which one would you choose?



  • Earl Blackaby says:

    “Sometimes little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.”
    Through the Walla Walla FRIENDS program we had a little friend for several years. We would include him in many things we would be doing – movies, ballgames, plays, picnics, FOOD, etc. After a couple of years we had been to the movie “Polar Express” and after a meal with us we gave him a box with a little bell in it. On the way home he told me: “Sometimes in your life you get a gift that is not Christmas nor your birthday. I remember the day I got you.”
    Its hard for me to speak about this event in our life that was small as a gift but big by the person who received it.
    Enjoy your day.

    • Pat says:

      Earl, what a wonderful sharing! And such a heart-warming reminder of how we often impact folks around us! Thank you for what you two did for you “friend” and for sharing it with us.

  • Tish says:

    Earl – what a wonderful thing to share! You made such a difference in the life of your little friend just by being you! I love that saying too!

  • I like the cartoon about not having high expectations. Actually, it is better if there are no expectations although I know that is hard for people. I came across a quote by Andrew Jackson which I wish I had known to share in your blog about “to do” lists. Here is how it goes:
    “There is no pleasure in having lots to do. The fun is having lots to do and not doing any of it”. I can live with that!!

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay, what a great quote! I keep sharing it with friends, and they all get a great laugh of recognition from it!

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