this season of life…
You know…time has a way of moving quickly and catching us unaware of the passing years.
It seems just yesterday that I was young, embarking on my life, then I was mature and making a good life.
Yet in a way, it also seems like eons ago, and I often wonder where all the years went.

I know that I’ve lived all those years. And I still have glimpses of how it was back then, as well as glimpses of my hopes and dreams of that earlier time.
But here it is…the winter of my life and it catches me by surprise.
How did I get here so fast?

I remember seeing older folks through the years and thinking that they were years older than me. But here it is…I’m retired and my hair has turned white. My friends and I are moving slower and now we are “those older folks” that we used to see.
The blessing is that with the vantage point of all my years of experience, I see a tapestry woven by…
- the choices I made,
- the people I befriended,
- the music I listened to,
- the books I read,
- the creativity I chose to express.
And I know that “all is well.”
We have been blessed to…
- live,
- live now,
- live here,
- be connected to everyone around us,
- live surrounded by beauty and love and wisdom.

Winter may have come, and however long it will last, I plan to wring the last drops of juice from the experience!
Life is good, better than I imagined as a young adult.
(And we do know that winter is part of the cycle of life and melds right into spring!)
Whatever your season of life, I hope you are choosing to live it to the fullest!
- Relish it!
- Relax into it!
- Revel in it!
- Rejoice throughout it!
It’s a gift!