This old house…

A story is told about John Quincy Adams that strikes a special chord with me after my career in real estate and my ever-increasing age!
When a friend asked 80-year-old Adams how he was, he replied, “John is very well, thank you. But the house he lives in is sadly dilapidated. It is tottering on its foundations. The walls are badly shattered and the roof is worn.The building trembles with every wind, and I think John Quincy Adams will have to move out of it before too long. But he himself is very well, thank you.”
I am grateful for this reminder. Facing huge challenges in turbulent times Adams gave us a good example. He has left us a legacy worthy of imitation.
Not quite hidden in his somewaht humorous reply is great wisdom. Not only does he recognize and graciously accept his failing health, much more importantly, he recognized that he is not his body.
Do you too find a certain parallel with his health assessment? Does the cloudiness of your windows obscure your view? Are your steps uneven? I know my roof is well covered with snow!
Adams reminds us that we are more than our aging body and that we are doing well. We are surrounded by blessings-not the least of which is whatever abilities we still have. We should recognized that we have the obligation to use them as long as we are able.
And we can all remind each other:
- life is good and very good, and
- we are blessed to be, to be here, and to be here now!
I couldn’t agree more!
Great read!
Right on, Pat. One thing – age is altering my eyesight.
Some of the doctors look like high school kids.
The street signs have shrunk and faded, rain and snow probably.
The newer buildings have higher steps.
There are many more people to be grateful for, and to.
Whoa! That was insightful, Pat. Thank you.
Thanks for the reminder Pat!