The weather is just the weather…

Posted by Pat on August 28, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Has our summer been sweltering, oppressive, scorching, or just hot?

Just like Calvin, we often describe our weather as “too much!”

Let’s refuse to listen to weather reports. Weather reporters this past winter often described the weather as being gloomy, dismal, or miserable rather than just saying it was cold, rainy or windy!

The weather changes all the time, but no matter how bad it gets, it cannot harm the sky in any way. The mightest thunderstorm, the most terrible hurricane, the most severe winter blizzards – none of these can hurt or harm the sky.

And no matter how bad the weather, the sky always has room for it. And sure enough, sooner or later, the weather always, always changes.

We are not the weather. We are the sky. Our feelings will pass and we will remain. We can outlast them. We’ve done it countless times before in the past. The feelings will dissipate and we’ll be fine again.

We can choose how we feel regardless of what the weather is like.

We are not the weather. We are the sky. We are not our circumstances. Our circumstances will pass and we will remain. We can outlast them. We’ve done it countless times before in the past. The circumstances will change and we’ll be fine again.

And we can remember that…

We may not be able to control events around us (or sometimes even our feelings about them) but we can choose our response to them. So let’s remember that we are the sky!

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