The way to begin a new beginning…

Posted by Pat on March 31, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Divine discontent happens when something new beckons, and you are hesitating. You are trying to find satisfaction in a world that’s too small for you. You want to stay there because it’s familiar, and yet it no longer serves you.

It’s like a chick in an egg. First, it’s comforting, and then, as the chick grows, it feels cramped and prays for a bigger egg.

However, it is the universe’s intention for the egg to crack open and the chick to find a new, expansive world outside.chick left the egg

Spring is a reminder that transformation is normal and natural. This spring cyle of nature brings changes in the weather, extended hours of sunlight, and the birth and rebirth of animals and plants.

And though the winter may have seemed long or dreary, we eagerly look forward to each of the signs that we see around us showing us that the season of rebirth is here! In nature and in ourselves!

That tree outside your window that looked dead in winter is now full of buds ready to explode wittree buddingh color as they feel the warmth of the spring sun.

We are like that tree. Sometimes, we can’t see our growth until-all of a sudden-there it is!

We realize it when someone makes a critical remark and we don’t take it personally, or a new friendship enters our lives, or some unexpected income comes to us, or we find ourselves feeling grateful just to be alive.

We’ve been growing, our seeds have been germinating beneath the soil all winter long, and now we are ready for the blossoming of our new experiences, opportunities, ideas.

We are part of the natural cycle of transformation. And it is wondrous!

It is much like water nurtures a seed, providing a means for transformation as the seed becomes the plant contained within the seed.

We can water the seed of our potential with faith and joyful expectancy. We can blossom into a surprising expansion of life. And we get to choose what we will water.


planting seeds


Our greatest gifts often come when we struggle with challenges, allowing us to emerge on the other side- out of the confining eggshell- as stronger, wiser, and more compassionate.

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. The past is closed and limited; the future is open and free.

from Deepak Chopra


And it is spring, the perfect opportunity to ask ourselves,

“What is trying to be reborn in me today?

What choices for growth and peace and love and wisdom will I make?”

Will YOU make?

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  • Cecelia Ward says:

    Wonderful remainder of new growth and opportunities.

    Love & light,

    • Pat says:

      Thanks for your comment! And I know with your on-going healing, that the new growth and opportunities that await you will be great!

  • Joy says:

    Happy New Year! (Persian NY on the equinox) Thanks for your words and pics. You have a wonderful way of expressing things. Thanks…


    • Pat says:

      Wow! Thanks, Joy, for that new piece of information about yet another new year. I guess we know that it’s ALWAYS a new year, day, moment! And what a gift that is for each of us.

  • Cindy Landis says:

    Thanks so much for such a beautiful, inspiring post. It exactly fits how I am feeling right now!

    • Pat says:

      Good to hear from you! And I’m glad you too are feeling ready to think “new beginnings.”

  • denise says:

    Thank you so much for reminding be about Sylvia Boorstein. I’d read her many years ago. How wonderful that your blog is not only inspiring, but a place to post books of inspiration as well!

    • Pat says:

      It’s certainly fun to do this blog. And I am tickled that you recognized Sylvia Boorstein’s work. Also I want to thank you for sharing your poem with me by email!

  • Tish says:

    What a wonderful and inspiring piece! Thank you so much Pat – this is a great time of year for each of us to think about growth and change in many ways!

    • Pat says:

      I love having you read and think about some of my ideas! It’s life affirming for me when good friends share back with me.

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