The race has officially begun!

Posted by Pat on April 12, 2015 in Uncategorized |

mudLike it or not, the race has officially begun!

It doesn’t matter whether the person belongs to “your” party or not. If you thought the mud was slinging before today, just wait. It’s only going to get worse.

Why? Because that’s the nature of politics in America, particularly for a presidential race.

But this isn’t about politics. This is about how all the accusations, out-and-out lies, innuendos and family arguments can affect our peace of mind and self-respect.

This is an amazing time for our spiritual consciousness!

We can get in the mud, roll around, and then wonder why we’re dirty.

OR-now HERE’S a thought!- we can see all the deceptive ads and news reports as simply white noise. We don’t have to let differing viewpoints and political ideologies drive a wedge between us and the people we love or work with.

Yes the race has begun. Will you survive?

We have freedom of choice, but not of consequence.

Becoming worked up about issues over which we haven’t got control is our choice.

But when we are agitated, when our blood pressure skyrockets and we find ourselves fighting with loved ones, we have no business complaining about those things because they are the consequences of our actions.

We could chose to be the foundation of sensibility, the bastion of reason and the keeper of Truth.

In other words, realize that this too shall pass!

So we can enjoy the following “profundities.”


 politics langley


 politics reagan


 politics jefferson


politics twain

So, think about how you are going to “keep your cool” when all around you are some other folks choosing chaos!

After all, politics is a perfect opportunity for each of us to practice what we say we want: peace, clarity, wisdom, harmony.

How will you do it? 



  • jOY kACHEL says:

    Right on, Pat. Just keep breathing and know that what you see is what you make… Be the peace you want in the world. Joy

    • Pat says:

      Joy, good to hear from you! We know that it’s our choice on what we give our attention to and, thus, the experience that we create for ourselves.

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    I don’t have TV at the moment but if I do when the hoopla begins I fully intend to treat it as entertainment and laugh a lot. Also, I only take the Sunday paper so guess I am only one-seventh misinformed. If I want to know anything important, I go to the dog park and catch up on all the gossip. Another place I have been “hanging out” lately is the lobby of WW General Hospital. They have a wonderful fireplace and the cafe has pretty good food and it is cheap and I run into the most interesting people.
    Joy: want you to know Linda and Jack recently celebrated their one year anniversary and they are very happy. Thanx for being part of their journey together.

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay, You seem to have chosen a great way to approach this season! And there’s probably not much that you’re missing from the tv and local paper. Smart woman!

  • Tish says:

    I don’t watch much TV and will watch even less during the Presidential race. It really is sad all the mud slinging, lies and more lies that people just “love” to listen to and quote! Keeping my mouth and ears shut and turning to more interesting things such as just being outside and doing what is fun for me is how I plan to cope.

    • Pat says:

      Tish, that’s a good plan you have! I guess since I really never know what to believe of all the “stuff” that goes on in politics, I’ll revert to the classic response of “maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not.”

  • Fay Payton says:

    OK, I’m struggling a little with this one, Pat! It does seem sensible to not react, but only to a point. How to vote responsibly without some knowledge of the choices involved? And how to look at the choices without having at least some internal response? We CAN influence change. It’s our responsibility as citizens to do so, and in this situation we do that by voting. I decline to ignore the entire thing and just flip a coin at the polls.

    It seems to me we just need balance here. Yes, the rhetoric is ridiculous, so laughing at that seems healthy. And yes, the issues are really important to our citizens’ daily lives, and we need to pay some attention to what we can reasonably do about those. We don’t need to let this take over our emotional health. For me, that means allotting time each day to learn a bit, sign petitions, etc then go on with my ‘real’ life with the animals and people in a wonderful world of diversity and creativity. I do not need to change the people around me any more. Been there. Done that. (Bad idea it was, too!) And yet I cannot remain quiet if I see injustice and I most certainly will have some emotional reaction – stress – that spurs action.

    Really, can we not have both knowledge and personal peace?

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