The Power of Your Words
Posted by Pat on August 24, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
Have you ever se

These phrases illustrate how some words or phrases have different meanings, and how often we say one thing when we mean something else. We use phrases that sound ridiculous, yet because most everyone understands the meaning and intent, we throw words hither and yon. In a similar way, we use words carelessly without considering that those words often bring results that differ from what we anticipate.
Are we aware of the feeling or the energy behind the word or thought we are expressing?
We sometimes wonder why the words we speak sometimes bring results we don’t want. Because this sometimes happens we need to be aware of the words we’re using. We need to make sure that the thoughts and words we use express only what we do want to happen.
I remember a couple of decades ago, when I said that I wanted to be debt free in the worst possible way. What I meant was I wanted it very intensely. But I got debt free in the worst possible way by going through a bankruptcy! The feeling behind that comment was one of despair and desperation.
If only I had paid attention to the energy and feelings those words created, I would have shifted my language to that which could empower me. (maybe “I’m really committed to finding the best possible way to improve my financial situation”?)
Now, you’d think that having been an English teacher and having owned a bookstore, I’d have been more aware of the power of my words and thoughts. But, what the heck, I was younger and not so wise!
Now I’m older and wiser. I now have wisdom enough to know that my thoughts and words are creative and powerful and I now choose them much more carefully!
I know that when I use positive, constructive, and empowering words I feel them. Words that are uncertain, detrimental, or dis-empowering often bring me a sense of insecurity and some resistance towards the situation.

“The Highest Thought is always thought which
contains joy.
The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth.
The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love.”
Neale Donald Walsh
Whether you believe this or not, the message imparted here can serve us all as a guideline for our own conversations with ourselves and with others.
So what are your conversations with yourself? What words will you choose in talking to yourself and to others? Words like challenge rather than problem? like lesson rather than failure? like wonder rather than worry? like excited rather than anxious?
It’s always our choice and it sure makes a difference in how we feel!
I love that words are just another symbol of form! We communicate most accurately and universally with body language. Make the gesture for thirst or hunger or awe…and you never have to say a word!
But yes… Be very careful in what you ask for… And keeping your affirmations positive… The universe is compared to the cosmic waitress… Speak your order clearly…and specify your details confidently in support of your desire… When you order tuna on rye hold the mustard you don’t want to end up with egg on cardboard On your lap! Be precise and hold gratitude in advance… It is sticky like honey and kind of glues the tentacles of intention on their path:))
Thanks Joan so much for sharing!
Yes, the universal language is spoken before we even open our mouths! But we seem to have more conscious choice verbally. We can read our unspoken body language really quickly.
That’s the premise that I enjoyed so much in “Clan of the Cave Bear” by Jean Auel, with one race doing body language and the other doing verbal and thus with lots of potential for misunderstanding (and plot twists)!
And I love the power that comes from knowing that my words can create my experiences. The feelings that they generate in me and my world are great guides to follow in choosing my next words!