The miraculous egg

Posted by Pat on April 16, 2017 in Uncategorized |

Think eggs are fragile? Take a raw egg from the frig, hold it squarely in your palm and close your fingers around it.

Now, try to break it! Squeeze it as hard as you can.

I tried, even though I was tentative at first, fearing the mess it would make if I really applied pressure!

But, nothing happened. I tightened my grip more. Harder…harder…still nothing. To my amazement, it wouldn’t break.

The shape of the eggshell is structurally so close to perfect that it can resist much more pressure than I ever suspected it could.

I couldn’t break it, but the new life within it can!

We have long been fascinated by the egg, with its delicate orb and fragile shell that holds within it the secret to life itself. The shell is a paradox unto itself, sturdy enough to shield the life growing inside it, but frail enough to give way to the emergence of the life within it, porous but protective.

To our ancient ancestors, it must have been a most startling event to see a new and live creature emerge from a seeming dead object!

And we, not so ancient, can be reminded of

  • the gift of life,
  • the gift of change,
  • the gift of rebirth!

So…we are once again aware of the miracle of life as seen in

  • the seemingly ordinary egg,
  • the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly,
  • the flowering daffodil from the bulb.

It’s spring!

And we can choose, we can break through our comfort zone (our shell) to allow new life to emerge for us!

 What new life will YOU choose for yourself?

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