The map is not the territory

We often confuse our map with the territory. But there is a difference between the actual world and our perception of the world, just like between the roadmap and what it intends to represent.
As Alfred Korzbybski (scientist and philosopher who introduced this concept in a paper in 1931) pointed out, maps always come with certain inherent problems. Some of their limitations are:
- A map can be wrong without us realizing it.
- A map is by definition a reduction of the territory, which means it leaves out certain important information.
- A map needs interpretation, which is a process that often leads to mistakes.
- A map can be outdated and represent something that has changed or no longer exists.
We make a map so we can leave things out. By leaving things out, we can help people focus on the core concept we’re trying to get across. And so the map of the freeways in Los Angeles is not actually the Los Angeles freeways. It’s not even geographically accurate and that’s okay. The job of the map isn’t to show us precisely where each destination is, the job is to make it easier for us to get around Los Angles.
And my point is..?
What we think something is like differs from what it’s really like. Our perception is not the same as Reality.
Imagine for example that you are checking out the social media profile of an acquaintance. Browsing through her countless updates of happy pictures, you may conclude that she has to be a happy person.
But the map is not the territory. The life she’s portraying on social media says little about what her life is like.
Other maps that are not the territory:
- A documentary is not the complete picture.
- A test score is not your intelligence.
- The name is not the thing.
Or as Alan Watts said, “The menu is not the meal.”
Sometimes I just forget that truth! And maybe you do too!