The “gift” of our breath

Posted by Pat on July 11, 2021 in Uncategorized |

The phrase “take a deep breath” is misleading. The breath isn’t something we can just “take.” Breathing is a gift, a miracle, offered to us over and over again. Yet much like our health, we often take it for granted right up until the moment we no longer have it.

“Remember to breathe” means remembering again and again, to pause for a moment in the midst of whatever activity we’re engaged in, to allow for an experience of peace.

Breath is a reminder that we cannot take in more than we need. And if we try to hold onto it after we have taken the good out ot it, we will die. We can only live by letting go, and when we let go, we are then able to take in again.

Breath equals Life.

Do we understand what this means? Experience comes in and experience goes out and we are changed. Life is not good or bad, it IS. Experience is not good or bad, it IS. Breath is not good or bad, it IS.

And there is not one moment in a day when any of us question whether or not there is going to be enough air for us to breathe! We assume that it is going to be there. The Universe has provided us an abundance of the most vital thing in our life, the one thing that we cannot live more than a few minutes without.

Let’s choose to be grateful and happy for this gift!


  • Tish says:

    This is a fantastic reminder! I think this would be worthy in a newsletter?

  • Meg says:

    Another way of saying we should not, dare not, hold in too much good. Loose it to share with others. Make room for more to come in. When my thinking is too focused on yesterday, it’s like trying to inhale and forget the exhaling.

    • Pat Richmond says:

      Meg, the law of circulation in all of it’s venues! Balance between yin and yang, in and out, giving and receiving, etc… Sometimes we just need to be reminded!

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