The day after…

Politics! Politics! Politics!
Why were we so cranky? Could it be overload? Is it that “enough” had become “more than enough?”
Is that why we were so quick to snap at a family member or co-worker when the conversation turned to the election?
Maybe it’s because:
- We’re tired?
- We’re anxious?
- We’re worried?
- We’re confused?
- We’re discouraged?
After all, for most of us it has felt like there is a lot at stake with this particular election…the state of our economy, our place on the world stage, the hope of a better future for our children.
But…guess what?
The day after the election we woke up and found that everything was exactly the same for us as it was the day before.
- We have the same relationships;
- We are working with the same people;
- We are still exposed to the same connections on Facebook and Twitter;
- and, we still worry!
But why? Humorist Mark Twain said it best when he said: “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

And it’s hard to deny the truth of poet Robert Frost‘s words, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”
One of the beautiful things about our country is that we are free to bring our personal perspectives to the political table and make a choice about what we believe is best.
And then we have the freedom and the opportunity to join together and move forward. As coach John Wooden said…things do turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out!
What will you do to make the best of things?
- What will you do to move beyond the emotion generated by your perspective?
- What will you do to create your energy and forward motion?
- What choices do you see as available?
Please share! We all can use the ideas that each of us can generate!