The Christmas Spider Legend…

Posted by Pat on December 10, 2017 in Uncategorized |

There are many different versions of the folk legend dealing with Christmas spiders from the Ukraine and Germany.

In each case the association with spiders and their webs and our Christmas tree tinsel is delightful!

(Also, the fact that spiders may seem small and insignificant but, in fact, are important is also a concept to consider!)


The legend goes…

The day before Christmas, the resident spiders in the small house in Germany hid in the attic to avoid the house cleaning.  When they crept downstairs that night they saw the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. They loved it and crawled about in the branches, leaving them covered with webs.

When Father Christmas arrived, he came up with a wonderful solution for the now cobweb-covered tree. He turned all the webs into beautiful shimmering silver strands.

From that day on, tinsel became a treasured ornament for trees all over the world. Those who know the legend make sure that they give thanks to the industrious spiders by hanging a beautiful silver or gold spider ornament in a prominent location on their tree.


I love the tinsel on my Christmas tree!

So much so, that I have saved it every year for the next Christmas. It’s been over 20 years now, and they don’t make that kind any more!

I loved finding this legend even though I think my family thinks I’m nuts!

(However, there are no spiders on my tree!)


Do you or your family have any special traditions that YOU love?



  • Cecelia says:

    I did not know about the spider story how delightful. We used to always have tinsel on our tree when I was a child even when my kids were small but haven’t had any for many years!. Just from this story might have to start using once again. Thanks so much for sharing and Merry Christmas!!

  • Fay Payton says:

    I didn’t know this story. Honestly, Pat, we don’t think you’re nuts…just a little, eh, unusual! In a good way!

  • Tish says:

    Not being a spider person AT ALL I found this very interesting and such a sweet story! Will have to reconsider my viewpoint!

  • Theresa says:

    I ADORE this story!!
    Thank you!

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