Sticks and stones…

Posted by Pat on June 25, 2017 in Uncategorized |

The power in our words is often underestimated. We need to discount that old adage that says “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

We all have been hurt by the words of others, be they parents, partners, teachers, bosses, friends.

And we all have hurt someone else, even our loved ones, by words we’ve spoken in anger, in fear, in envy.

And we have all hurt ourselves by putting ourselves down.

It is insidious what we have often said to ourselves about ourselves.

Have you ever told yourself you were

  • dumb,
  • clumsy,
  • broke,
  • unworthy?

Then you have hurt yourself.

Ever said I

  • can’t,
  • won’t,
  • should,
  • lack,
  • quit?

Then you have hurt yourself.

Words do have power, but the power they have is what we choose…we decide which ones will affect us, and how they will affect us as long as we are consciously using our minds.

This is a process and it has a result!

Where we intend, we attend.

And, thus, we create our reality and our experiences.

Whenever we use the words “I am” we are uttering a short prayer and at some level the Universe will respond. (It always says YES.)

So saying “I am poor” creates a world where our mind finds validation for our statement.

When we say” I am afraid” our mind creates physical effects that make us feel fear.

When we say “I am peaceful and calm” our mind creates the physical effects of relaxation.

When we say “I am creative and productive” our mind creates the opportunities to be so.

Such statements are like affirmations (which comes from the Latin meaning to make firm.)

Choose your words, your affirmations, thoughtfully.  We have all heard the old adage about choosing your words carefully because you may have to eat them!

So before we say something to anyone and before we say something to ourselves, let’s follow this “THINK” formula!

So, what do YOU think?

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