Posted by Pat on April 14, 2013 in
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How does spring make you feel? Does it lighten your heart as it does mine?
It feels like a new beginning, a fresh start that begs me to open my internal windows and release the stale and tired emotions I’ve carried all winter. I feel a light breeze of peace and positivity wash over me.
Yes, I know some of my sense of lightness is j
ust part of the seasonal change. The short days of winter, the cold weather, the lack of sunlight, and the time I chose to spend indoors made me feel tired at best and even cranky (ask my husband!)
But the regenerative powers of sunshine, warm weather, and time outside can restore both our bodies and our minds. Do you find yourself eager to clean out clutter, freshen up your home, and get more exercise? I know I do!
With a lighter heart and open mind, we also have the opportunity to spring clean our internal self. It’s a chance to hit the re-set button and shift our attitudes, re-awaken to our sense of purpose and values.
Since everything that happens in your outer life begins with your internal choices (or lack thereof), it means becoming really clear about who you want to be and how you want to live your life. You need to consciously decide to become aware of
where you are,
where you came from,
and where you are going.

The past is “Back There”
while the present is “Right Here”
and the future is still “Out There.”
To “use” the past, look at those negative thoughts and feelings that you are carrying and see what lessons you can find i
n them. For example: divorce.
Now reduce it from its full screen, Technicolor, stereophonic memories to tiny, faded black and white photos.
After all, the past is contained within, and filtered by, your mind. So you might as well choose to see it as helping you grow, as stepping stones to the ever wiser you! You may have learned your resilience, your clarity on what you want/don’t want for the rest of your live…
Now, here’s a fun example for you!
You may have heard of the story of the teacher who asked each of her students to bring a plastic bag and a sack of potatoes to school. (This could certainly be used for a variety of lessons, but I choose to offer it to you as a personal mental exercise.)
On each potato you would write the name of someone you haven’t forgiven, the event that makes you feel ashamed, or the foolish thing you said that hurt someone.
Then you’d put all your potatoes into your plastic bag and carry it everywhere for a week. You’d put it beside your bed at night and on the car seat when driving.
Naturally, the condition of the potatoes would deteriorate to a nasty, smelly slime. Quite a metaphor for the price we pay for holding on to our past pain and negativity!
Are you tired of carrying around that stinky sack of potatoes? Are you ready to release that weight of resentment, hurt, anger, fear, sadness?
Are you ready now to give yourself a present?
The gift of today unsullied by the past?

Please share your thoughts. What have you learned?
Tags: future, past, potato exercise, present, spring cleaning
Instead of seeing the dark of a shadow, I now see the light around it.
Lots of house cleaning here and repainting of the inside to get us fresh new colors inside. On my inside I try to keep on the positive, just look for the good and don’t let the bad bother me. Like with a camera, look for the great place for a nice photo, concentrate on looking for the best place and hope the photos turn out as good as the place and time for the picture. Like with politics, let someone else worry about that stuff – too much games and negative there. Earl
I bet you don’t miss the office routine! It seems to me that your sharing of your photography indicates a man who is at peace with himself and his life. You’re a great role model!
I truly feel that I’ve reached the place of feeling good about every person who has shared my life, or at least a neutral place. This way of remembering the past seems now so utterly natural that it’s a bit like trying to recall when you couldn’t ride a bicycle. Once you “get it” all the weight.of carrying the resentment or hatred drops away and I’m freeto move on without anything holding me back.
Love hearing from you! And I agree with you that sometimes getting to neutral is often all we can do. And it IS enough; just getting rid of the negative is such a blessing.
What wonderful thoughts and pictures.
Releasing those buedens really does lighten the load.
Love and light,
Good to hear from you and glad you enjoyed my sharing. Spring is indeed a trigger to cleaning out and releasing what no longer services us.
We’ve been in the mood to get on with Spring, praying that Jerry doesn’t have any more set-backs from his 4 yrs. of Luekemia. God has been so good to both of us….also thanks to all of our dear friends cheering him on to good health! Life is very positive with us now!!
Soon, we will find out who Jerry’s blood donor was…..we are excited to know him! Bless him and our friends!
So good to hear from you Joyce. And blessings abound for you now!
Really liked you potato analogy and appreciate your joyousness. and of course your youness.
Look forward to your communication with us.
As a previous high school teacher, I like exercises like the potato one to help increase awareness. One teacher did it with a doll to demonstrate the consequences of pregnancy to the students!
What a fantastic blog and so helpful! You are such an inspiration Pat and bring so much joy to those around you! Thank you!
As you know, I love doing this blog and sharing it with friends. Thank you for being such a good friend!
Ah, Spring! What it unleashes for me isn’t cleaning the house or getting rid of clutter, or getting things done ….rather it’s finally a chance to be outside and well, just BE there. There’s a saying, “Sometimes I sits and thinks. Sometimes I just sits”. That’s the joy of springtime for me. Sitting in the herb garden smelling, and listening and BE-ing. Listening to the silly old donkey bray, or watching the dogs finally able to run all over the place in their springtime craziness. No need to be productive for a while.
A chunk of the winter was spent cooped up indoors, unloading old resentments and spent feelings, now it’s time to enjoy that lightness in the fresh air and sunshine. I’ve missed the sun. Welcome back, Sun!
Fay, you are certainly a role model for me on the “being” rather just “doing.” And if it weren’t raining right now, I too would be outside on the patio with a good book and the sun on my back!
[…] Just like we explored our sack of “potatoes” in last week’s blog (link), […]