Someone’s always watching you

Posted by Pat on June 7, 2015 in Uncategorized |

be an exampleWhether we notice it or not, people are paying attention. Since the way we act today influences how we’ll act tomorrow those actions influence others-whether they know it or not.

It could be your children, your parents, your friends, your non-friends, the neighbors, your co-workers…

Are you a good example or a terrible warning?

The way we show up matters. When we attempt something that inspires us, it inspires others to do what inspires them. And if we decide to settle, or be upset (and do nothing about it), others will too.

Complacency is just as contagious as energy. Whether we chose to acknowledge it yet or not, we’re an example-for ourselves and those around us-

  • either of how to act or how not to,
  • of high standards and what’s possible, or
  • of apathy and lethargy.

If our actions (or inactions) aren’t something we want those we love to take, then they probably aren’t what we want for ourselves either.

How do you feel when you realize your children are

  • Watching you?
  • Copying you?
  • Using you as their role model?



parents fighting

And I’ve noticed at work that seeing someone calmly doing the work they have in front of them today, makes me want to do more of my own thing as well.

Oops! Same goes for the water cooler gossiping folks. It is contagious! water cooler talk

 Our real purpose is to be our own leaders.

To be our own personal example of what’s possible-however small and subtle those actions might be on a day-to-day basis. They do add up.

Just 1% better is good, whether in skills perfected, money saved, or help given.

You might not realize people are watching… but someone always is.

What will you choose to do, now that you know?


  • Tish Watts says:

    Thank you Pat! This is good!

    • Pat says:

      Tish, I should have added grandchildren to the list of “watchers,” don’t you think?

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    Don’t forget dogs! My dog, Mr. Spock, follows me around everywhere and watches my every move. He also picks upon my moods so I have absolutely no secrets from him. And I love him for it cause he doesn’t judge me, just keeps track.

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay, what a great comment “he doesn’t judge me, just keeps track!” Now that’s unconditional love, don’t you agree?

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