So What? Now What?

Posted by Pat on January 15, 2017 in Uncategorized |

We can pretty much count on getting sidelined from time to time. And it’s important to not allow a setback  become part of the larger story we often create around our “life of difficulties.”

So what? Now what?

We only need these four words! They’re perfectly crafted to

  • give us perspective,
  • unleash our creativity,
  • and get us moving toward the needed answer and away from the problem.

So, when life/work/relationships/health/money get us down, we can reasonably allow ourselves a moment of heavy doom and gloom. Be an Eeyore! (remember him?)

But, after say fifteen minutes or so, we can draw ourselves up and ask ourselves:

“So what? Now what?”

The “so what” puts our current life blip into perspective. And the “now what” gets us focused on the choosing the next right action to take.

For example:

  • Your child didn’t do something they were supposed to do. Okay. So what, now what?
  • You didn’t set aside enough for taxes. Well, so what, now what?
  • You got laid off at work. Hmm. So what, now what?
  • You’re not feeling so great. In fact, you’re concerned something serious is going on. Well then, so what, now what?

We all have problems.

(It has been said that life is just a series of problems so that our life won’t be boring!)


rather than adding to our problems by complicating things with the stories we tell ourselves, we could choose to move on.

Using the “so what? now what?” model can keep us from living in the problem and allow us to start brainstorming possible solutions.

I believe life is too short to waste time on being unhappy, being stuck, being angry.

I also believe life is too long to waste time on being unhappy, being stuck, being angry.

What do you think?

What do you do to get some needed perspective and to get yourself out of a problem you’re facing?

1 Comment

  • Tish says:

    Well the timing on this is PERFECT as I just received a phone call that sidelined my day…….sooooo……..I am going to give myself the 15 minutes to stew, growl, grumble, etc. and then go with the so what, now what theory and see where it all comes out!!! I know for a fact in the past this would have ruined my day, but not going to let that happen this time……..

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