See yourself in this story?
I’m sharing this wonderful story yet again about the great violinist, Itzhak Perlman!

On November 18, 1995, in Lincoln Center in New York City, Perlman was ready to play when suddenly one of his violin strings broke with a snap as sharp as a gunshot.
He could not hop up and run off the stage to get a new string or another violin. His polio-stricken legs would not permit that, so somehow he did the seemingly impossible.
He recast the music in his mind and played a virtuoso performance on a violin with only three working strings!
After the applause stopped, he quietly said, “You know, sometimes it is your artist’s task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left.”

This is you. This is me. This is each one of us!
Whether or not we still have everything we want going for us, we still have within us more capacity than we know,
- for life,
- for love,
- for sharing,
- for leaving a legacy.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we still have a great deal left to give. We also have even more being given to us by Spirit: newly learned wisdom, newly experienced love, newly discovered talents.
Once we accept this Truth, we can revel in our newfound gifts. Let’s discover our gifts and share them!
Let’s live each day in this coming year:
- as aware,
- as gratefully,
- as lovingly as we can!

Thank you Pat! Great post!
Timely – as always, Pat.
Beautiful story and so true. We humans can be amazing.
Excellent advice. We need to remember who we are. No matter our faults, place in life, etc. we are all God’s children and God will never forsake us.