Ready for a new beginning?

Something new beckons. But are you trying to stay put because it’s familiar?
Like a chick in an egg, do you find your comfortable shell becoming cramped?
Spring is a reminder that growth and transformation is normal and natural. This cycle of nature brings changes in the weather, extended hours of sunlight, the birth and rebirth of animals and plants.
And though the winter and the current “staying at home” situation may seem long, we eagerly look forward to the signs showing us that the season of rebirth is here, in nature and in ourselves.
Just like the seemingly sudden blossoming of the trees, we too are growing. Our seeds have been germinating beneath the soil all winter long, and now we are ready for the blossoming of our new experiences, ideas, opportunities.
We are part of the natural cycle of transformation. And it’s wondrous! In nature, the water nurtures the seed, providing a means for transformation as the seed becomes the plant contained within the seed.
We can water the seed of our own potential with faith and joyful expectancy. We can blossom into a surprising expansion of life.
And we get to choose what we will water!
As we experience a new normal, we grow. Our greatest gifts often come when we struggle with challenges, allowing us to emerge on the other side-out of the confining eggshell-as stronger, wiser, more compassionate.

And it is spring, the perfect opportunity to ask ourselves:
What is trying to be reborn in me today?
What choices for growth and peace and love and wisdom will I make?
What choice will YOU make?
Great blog entry!
Loved this one!